Bounds can be difficult - theorems are narrow, but intuition is easy
Let's start with an easy calculation
Cayley Tree: each node besides leaves has degree d
Moving out "l" links form root in each direction reaches $d + d(d-1) + ...d(d-1)^{l-1}$ nodes
$d + d(d-1) + ...d(d-1)^{l-1}$
$= \frac{d((d-1)^l - 1)}{d-2}$
$\approx (d-1)^l$ for a reasonable larege d
To reach n-1, the rest of all the nodes, need roughly $(d-1)^l = n$ or n-1 roughly
or "l" on the order of $\frac{log(n)}{log(d)}$
What if not a tree, but E-R randm graph?
all have same degree - really are random
some links may double back