A hybrid model spans between uniform at random models and the preferential attachment model
Fraction a uniformly at random, 1-a via searching neighborhoods of friends
What we're going to is we're going to have one fraction formed uniformly at random(a) and then the rest(1-a) fraction formed via meeting friends of friends, the second part is going to look like preferential attachment. So, that will give us an explanation for how preferential attachment might actually be working.
$$d_i(t) = (m + 2am/(1-a))(t/i)^{(1-a)/2} - 2am/(1-a)$$
What this does is tell us what an expected degree is, at any point in time for a given node.
Nodes that have expected degree less than d at some time t are those i such that
$(m + xam)(t/i)^{1/x} - xam <d$ where $x = 2/(1-a)$
ciritical i is such that
$i/t = [(m + xam)/(d + xam)]^x$ where $x = 2/(1-a)$
$F(d) = (t - i)/t$
$F(d) = 1 - ((m + amx) / (d + amx))^x$ where $x = 2/(1-a)$
$F(d) = 1 - ((m + amx) / (d + amx))^x$ where $x = 2/(1-a)$