Models of networks that allow us to capture interdependencies, these are often known as exponential random graph model
A pertinent form of statistical treatment would be one which deals with social configurations as wholes, and not with single series of facts, more or less artificially separated from the total picture.
Jacob Levy Moreno and Helen Hall Jennings, 1938
We're looking at social interactions and people are interrelated, we're not going to be able to look at just binary relationship diads.
Example: (studied extensively by Strauss (86), Park and Newman (04,05), Chatterjee, Diaconis (11)...)
Probability of a network depends on number of links
Probability of a network also depends on number of triangles.
Likelihood of link depends on node attributes
also depends on whether nodes have friends in common
Example: probability depends on: $\beta_LN_{links(g)} + \beta_TN_{triangles(g)}$
Want probability of network to depend on $\beta_LL(g) + \beta_TT(g)$
Exponentiate this formula($\beta_LL(g) + \beta_TT(g)$), so it's always going to be non-negative, it's a standard trick in statistics work with the exponential family:
Set $Pr(g)$ ~ $exp^{\beta_LL(g) + \beta_TT(g)}$
Theorem by Hammersly and Clifford(71): any network model can be expressed in the exponential family with counts of graph statistics.
$Pr[(g)] = P^{L(g)}(1-P)^{n(n-1)/2 - L(g)}$
$ = (p/(1-p))^{L(g)}$
$ = exp(log(p / (1-p))L(g) - log(1 / (1 - p))n(n-1) / 2)$
$ = exp( \beta_1 S_1(g) - c)$
What it does give us an idea that you can convert a lot of other kinds of models into the exponential random graph family.
If one fits an ERGM G(n,p) with just links, and finds a parameter $\beta_1 = 0.5$.
Based on $\beta_1 = log(p/(1 - p))$, hence:
$p = e^{\beta_1} / (1 + e^{\beta_1})$
$= e^5 / (1 + e^5)$
To be probability:
$Pr(g) = \frac{exp(\beta_LL(g) + \beta_TT(g))}{\sum_{g'}exp(\beta_LL(g') + \beta_TT(g'))}$
Now one other thing to make this probability of these have to sum to 1, so in particular that means that We have to normalize by what the probability of all the graphs are($\sum_{g'}exp(\beta_LL(g') + \beta_TT(g'))$), to make sure the probability of one particular graph when we sum across all the graphs, this is going to sum up to one.
$Pr(g) = exp(\beta_LL(g) + \beta_TT(g) - c) $