$c < \delta - \delta^2$ then $u_i(g+ij) > u_i(g)$ if ij not in g.
Also $u_k(g+ij) \ge u_k(g)$ if ij not in g for every k, thus
$\sum_k u_k(g+ij) \ge \sum_k u_k(g)$
$c > \delta - \delta^2$ first, show that the value of a component is higtest when the component is a star
value of a star with k players is
$2(k-1)[\delta - c] + (k - 1)(k - 2)\delta^2$ (expression A)
value of a network with k players and m links ($m \ge k-1$, in order to connect these k plays together) is at most
$2m[\delta - c] + [k(k-1) - 2m]\delta^2$ (expression B)
difference between A and B is
$2(m - (k - 1))[\delta^2 - (\delta - c)] > 0$ if $m > k - 1$
because we're in a region where $c>\delta - \delta^2$, so $\delta^2 > \delta -c$
so the first expression A is more valuable than the second expression
If m = k-1 and not a star, then some pair is at a distance of more than 2, so less value than a star
value of a star with k players is
$2(k-1)[\delta - c] + (k - 1)(k - 2)\delta^2$
value of a component with k players and k-1 links that is not a star is at most
$2(k-1)[\delta-c] + [(k-1)(k-2)-1]\delta^2+ \delta^3$
Star is better
Check that if two separate star components each g nonnegative utility, then one star with all those pla generates higher utility
$2(k-1)[\delta - c] + (k - 1)(k - 2)\delta^2$ + $2(k'-1)[\delta - c] + (k' - 1)(k' - 2)\delta^2$
= $2(k+k'-2)[\delta-c] + [(k-1)(k-2) + (k'-1)(k'-2)]\delta^2$
As one star:
$2(k+k'-1)[\delta-c] + (k+k'-1)(k+k'-2)\delta^2$
second expression is greater...
So efficient networks are collections of stars or empty networks
So, either a star with all player or empty
Want a star if its value is >0, so when
$2(n-1)[\delta-c] + (n-1)(n-2)\delta^2 >0 $
$c < \delta + (n - 2)\delta^2/2$