Marrying the strategic formation models
We've got utility from forming subgraphs, links, triangles, etc. But we're going to do is noise that up by putting in some randomness in the utility.
Need more consent to form triad than dyad
Need to account for preferences, otherwise will naturally find
less desired triads/more desired triads
less desired dyads/more desired dyads
Probability of a link forming depends on likelihood that pair meets, and both wish to form it
$X_i$: i's characteristics
$U_L(X_i, X_j) - \epsilon_{ij}$: utility of a link between i and j, based on their characteristics and other person's characteristics, and then something either unobserved or some personality or something else which then also affects that utility, so we'll put it in error terms($\epsilon_{ij}$)
i benefits from the link iff: $\epsilon_{ij} < U_L(X_i, X_j)$
pairwise stability: links form if and only if
$F_L(X_i, X_j)$: distribution of $\epsilon_{ij}$
assumption: the errors are iid, so the noise in the chance that j like i isn't dependent with the noise that i get from the same relationship.
Probability of a triangle forming proportional to
$F_T(U_T(X_i, X_j, X_k))F_T(U_T(X_i,X_j,X_k))F_T(U_T(X_k, X_j, X_i))$