Simple model of Elliott, Golub Jackson 13:
Companies are linked to each other via various contracts: debts, promised deliries, equity,...
That exposes each company to others' investments and values
First, let's see how to use networks to model exposures
An organization has direct investments:
Also hold obligations of $d_i$ other organizations:
One asset per organization (their investments), starts at value 1
Pick one organization's investment to devalue to 0
If an organization's value drops below $\theta$ of its starting value, it fails
Look at resulting cascade
"Diversification and COntagion:93%", so if you lose 7% of your value then that triggers bankruptcy and a situation where half of any company is owned by other companies ($c = .5$) and half is ownded by pivate shareholders
What's the intuition? With very low levels of d, we're not getting much contagion. Why not? Because not many of the organizations own each other so there's not much of a chance for contagion. So if this one goes bankrupt, it doesn't affect anybody else. If this one goes bankrupt, it affects a few but not very many. Once we get to medium diversification. Now if somebody hits it has a chance to actually hit a number of different nodes. Once we get to full diversification it could spread a lot but what's different here is now this organization is basically part cross held or owned by just two others and in this case with low diversification they can be substantially exposed to this. So when you've only got a few partnerships, if one of your partners goes down, that can be devastating. And so here the fact that we've got connection but also low numbers of partners means that everybody is substantially exposed to a few people and that allows things to spread. Once you get high diversification you have that chance for things to reach more broadly, but now everybody has lots of partners and so the feeling of any one partner doesn't necessarily represent as much of a change in terms of your own holdings because when you look at that A matrix now I'm not necessarily exposed to as much of that particular organization's assets
Low diversification:
Medium diversification
High diversification
So what does this tell us? It's a very simple point here but what it says is you begin to use these simple network models by using the A matrix by beginning to look at this. We can begin to see how these things spread and under what conditions we're going to get broader ramifications of some failures in the economy and what conditions might it be more isolated.
As you increase the "C" parameter, you're getting more exposure, now more of what I own is in other companies and now if one of those goes bankrupt I'm more exposed to things. Ultimately, if you increase it even more, if you keep taking it way up, it starts to drop back down again.
Why does it drop back down again? Well, now everybody is exposed to everybody else, but I'm not exposed as much to myself, to my own holdings and so if I have a failure of my own assets that doesn't necessarily cause problems for me because I'm well integrated in terms of the other organizations in the economy. So you're getting non-monotonicity here in both cases. So low integration, low exposure to others, failures don't trigger others. Middle integration, you have substantial enough to trigger contagion and then high integration, now, it's difficult to get any first failures because the ownership of your own assets doesn't necessarily trigger failures. Things are well integrated in the economy. You can analyze much richer kinds of networks in this model.
Low integration: little exposure to others, failures don't trigger others
Middle integration: exposure to others substantial enough to trigger contagion
High integration: difficult to get a first failure - failure of own assets does not trigger failure
Analyze richer networks
Understand indirect holdings and how valuation/devaluations spread
Understand effects of diversification, integration, size of shocks, correlation of shocks, heterogenetity in networks!...